Thursday, June 23, 2016

So....I got stuck in a fence once

Ok. So stuck might not be the right word. I guess dangling would be the best term. What happened you ask? Well, I was around 17 at the time. We just got new neighbors and they happened to have three kids whose ages were in-between mine and my sister's age (we are 5 years apart). Even though they only lived across the street, new boundaries caused them to have to go to different schools than we did. It took a while for our initial meeting since right when they moved in, school started. Eventually the "heys" and "hellos" happened and they ended up inviting us over one day. We were asked to come in through the side of their property as their aunt and uncle, who they lived with, were going to be gone and preferred they didn't have people over when they weren't there. Of course that's the best time to have people over, so as a teenager, you get it. Anyway, the side of their property consisted of a large field of tall grass with a fence that ran along side it. To avoid anyone being able to report back to their aunt and uncle that we were there, we were to go to the side door. So, there we were. Me, my sister, and a friend of hers. We walked down the street a little ways and then kind of scaled back until we were in the field. We came upon the fence, which was about as tall as I was (5'2") so you had to climb up and jump over. I thought I'd be really cool and go first. Totally show the middle school kids how it's done. I always took any and every opportunity to show off my total awesomeness to my sister and her friends since they looked up to me. Unfortunately I tend to forget that I'm not always the most graceful person. As I went to jump off the top of the fence, my shoelace got caught on something. When I should have landed on my feet, acting as if I just did some amazing daredevil stunt, I'm instead dangling upside down, one leg stuck upright because of my shoes attachment to the fence post, the other flailing around as I try to jerk myself to get unstuck. Unfortunately this did nothing to get me free from the fence and I'm not acrobatic enough to fold myself in half in order to reach my shoe, so I had to rely on my sister and her friend. Once they were done laughing, they managed to get me unhooked. They really should be glad I didn't hurt myself, but whatever. I was very thankful that the grass was at least tall enough that no one else could have seen what happened. I would have died of teenage mortification. I stood up and got the grass out of my hair, brushed all the dirt off my clothes, and then we headed over to the side door and knocked. I played it real cool. Totally acting as if I hadn't just did a face plant into the ground while hanging upside down and wiggling around as if I had ants crawling all over me. Luckily I had the sense to threaten my sister and her friend into total silence. Although it didn't stop them from giggling all the way up to the door, I knew they wouldn't dare say anything. Our new neighbors opened the door and inside we went. A moment of awkwardness passed over everyone while we all just sat there, not saying anything. Finally one of them asked me if I was ok. I gave them one of my best raised eyebrow looks I do when I feel like someone just asked me something completely stupid and said, "Yea. Why?" He reached over, pulled a twig out of my hair, and then they all burst out laughing. Apparently the grass is not as tall as I thought. They saw my grand leap from the top of the fence, only to disappear from sight. That is, except my foot, which they could see sticking straight up pointing towards the sky as they looked through the window, waiting for us.

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