Monday, April 18, 2016

So.....this is my family

Ok. So I figured if I'm going to write about my life, I should tell you a little about my family. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am married and have been for the last 26 years to a man who can handle me at my worst and my worstest. I don't really have a best so I figured I'd skip that. As a product of our undying need to be with someone just as difficult and stubborn as the other, we had 2 beautiful children. A son, who at the age of 24 is still pursuing his dream of being in a band....or as I like to call it, barely employed. Oh, he has a job. He's not living in our basement or anything like that, yet. But unfortunately he has decided that you are never too old to give up your dream so I have already started getting a guest room ready for his inevitable move back home. And then there is our daughter, 26, who also decided that college was something that only people who want a good job and don't want to live paycheck to paycheck do. She works a seasonal job in a photography processing studio and also is a promotions model. Not sure what a promotions model is? Well, basically you get hired to work promotion events like wine and beer tastings at stores like Total Wine and things like that. It can be pretty decent money actually and we had visited her at one of her "gigs" as she calls them. One thing I learned, they prefer you only have ONE sample of beer. Gets a little awkward when you are trying to hand the store manager your keys. Unfortunately the promotional model career arena isn't exactly lucrative. Which is why I'm still paying her car insurance.

As far as the rest of the family, my husband doesn't really talk to his....lucky guy. Oh he knows where they are and they acknowledge each other in public and everything, they just aren't close. My family dynamic didn't make much sense to him when they all met. Mostly because we like to be in the same room together and he found that baffling. I have a mom and dad, of course, that's how I came to be here. They are still married after 46 years together. I have one half brother who lives in another state(we will just refer to him as HB). My dad was married very briefly when he was right out of high school. It ended when she became pregnant a second time.......while he was away at boot camp. My half brother wasn't raised with us so we didn't know him very well. We've had little contact over the years and have made attempts to be closer, but he also doesn't get our family dynamic, in the sense that we all hate his wife and he doesn't. But that's another story entirely.

I have 2 brothers and a sister from the union of my parents. I am the oldest out of that group. I was also by far the most rebellious, something that has never gone completely away. My youngest brother (we'll refer to him at YB) is getting ready to move to Washington DC.....on purpose. He is a political science major (boooooring) and has just gotten accepted to go to school there to get his masters. He's all excited. I'm slightly less so. Not just because I can't fathom why anyone would want to talk politics for a living, but because we are close. Even though I am the oldest and he is the youngest and there is 15 years separating us, we are pretty much the closest (don't tell my sister that). I think it's because I helped take care of him while my parents both worked. Also because when we get together, we have the combined mentality of a 16 year old. We tend to act a bit immature. We bring out the kid in each other. Now he's moving away and leaving me here by myself. Well, not entirely by myself. My parents still live here and of course my children (it's harder to ask for money when you live far away), but he was the only sibling left here. My other brother (OB) and my sister live in Washington State, but on the other side from me. Like, a good 4 hour drive away. Which, yes, I know, that isn't that far, but if you've ever driven across Washington State then you know it's one of the most boring drives you can ever make, so really 4 hours is more like a non-scenic 14 hours. At least that's how it feels. Anyway, speaking of my other siblings, there is my sister who is an attorney and my OB who has a job title I don't know but apparently you make a lot of money if you are one. He was the lazy kid and now the total responsible one who makes the most money. Don't get me wrong, we are all responsible people who make a decent living. He's just really good at it. Go figure.

Well I think I'll leave you with this for now. I'm sure I'll have plenty of other not so interesting things to say. Until then.......

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