Monday, April 18, 2016

So....this is me.

I'm not sure why I started this blog since I already have a perfectly good one that nobody reads but I was bored, and at work, so I figured why not? It's basically dedicated to the completely mundane and uninteresting life I live. Or at least that's what I think I'm going to do with it.

Well, let's see, I am a 45 (soon to be 46) year old married mother of two. Someone actually had the audacity to use the term "middle aged" to me the other day. I politely, while snarling, told them that I am not anywhere near 50 yet and they proceeded to ask how many 100 year old people I know. Let's just say there is a certain someone who will NOT be getting a Christmas card from me this year. Not that they got one before. I don't send actual cards. I mean, I think about sending cards, but then I'd have to buy cards. And then there is the whole going to the post office thing and standing in line. Ugh. The holidays are painful enough. Anyway, they will not be receiving the thought of me sending a Christmas card this year and since it's the thought that actually counts, they are really missing out.

I live in Washington State (and yes, I have to add the state part, otherwise everyone asks me how far from the White House I live) but was born in California. My family moved here when I was 6 so I don't consider myself a Cali girl and I highly doubt any actual Cali girls would consider me one either. I am married to the father of both of my children......*gasp* actually happens, and we have been semi happily married on a fairly regular basis for 26 years. We have two children, a son who is 24 and a daughter who is 26. I really scored on that one. One of each! After our son was born I retired from child bearing until such a time that a new sex was discovered. It wasn't so I'm safe. So is the hospital. Handling pain wasn't one of my strong suits then. They really frown on it when you scream so loudly that the nurses continuously have to come into your room and ask you to stop because you are scaring the other mothers. I probably would have been able to stop, but then the actual labor started, so......

I work in Records Management which is just as exciting as it sounds and have been in that field for more years than I care to count. Watching paint dry or counting spots on a ceiling would have been a more exciting career choice but I couldn't find any openings for those. Of course as I child what I really wanted to be was a rock star, but since I can't sing or play a single musical instrument, that didn't really work out for me. I can air guitar....but even then I keep screwing up the chords so I finally gave up on that dream and decided to leave it to the professionals. Little did I know that the screaming I did while delivering my children would have sounded excellent with some good background music. I'm pretty sure I even said some words. I could have made a fortune today.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I don't really have a plan for this blog. Probably just write whatever comes to mind I guess, tidbits about the life I lead (or lack thereof), maybe talk about my least until they tell me not to. We do have an attorney in the family so we will see.....

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